Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Let Me introduce You..

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Let Me Introduce You…

“The moment you doubt you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it”

This is the moment i believe i can fly and I plan on using this space to share my adventures and experiences,  from an adventure to somewhere new or different, to trying a new product with a glossy sheen or a matte finish.

I have finally set up this blog, this glorious space, wholly dedicated to makeup, beauty, a splash of travel and a sprinkling of fashion with a few other bits and bobs on the side. I do hope that my ramblings and  chatter encourage you to try something new like going on a pirate adventure or trying a new product full of sparkles and glitter, or  having a new opinion or outlook on a particular topic. I believe that a new memory or feeling is something worth treasuring so i do hope I help add to your collection.




  1. Welcome in blogging world dear. You have a really cute blog :) Can't wait to see your future posts :) would you like to follow each other on Bloglovin and other social media :) x

  2. Thank you love:) and definitely, i'll head over and check your blog x



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